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楊崗 Van YÁNG is a Chinese-American director, writer, and cinematographer born in Taiwan.

His passion for environmental sustainability, music, and philosophy has led him to create work for Dr. Jane Goodall, United Nations FCCC, lululemon, Lenovo, Jet Li, Alibaba, Tencent, Destination Canada, Perú Travel, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

He’s currently a filmmaker in the neuroscience lab of Prof. Lisa Feldman Barrett trying to understand how human brains & bodies manifest emotions, actions, and other features of a mind.


Dr. Jane Goodall

歐陽娜娜 Ouyang Nana


Godfrey Gao

Jet Li


Mestre XUXO

Things I Like

innocent laughter, bright eyes that smile, thunk of opening a fresh coconut, cultivated intelligence, heartbeat of the drum, citations, sizzling food, beautiful voices, songs sung with soaring heart, peace

Things I Dislike

deliberate unkindness, inconsiderate color palettes, selfish energy, the screeching whine of desperation, injustice, shoelaces, snake-oil salesmen, soulless superficiality, mosquitos, imperialism